unit 100 - 312 Balmoral St. Winnipeg, MB R3C 1X9

Massage Therapy
Therapeutic techniques of massage form a vast field of study demonstrating the sophistication of Chinese curative and preventative methods. In Chinese massage therapy, the practitioner uses his or her own body to help the patient. At our clinic, we practice one of the most popular massage systems, tuina, which promotes Qi and blood flow using pressure and manipulation of points in the body. Different forms of pressure are applied depending on the aim of the treatment and the pressure points are chosen based on the same criteria used in acupuncture. Tuina can be prescribed alone or in combination with other types of therapy for a variety of diagnoses ranging from muscle pain to more complex ailments.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a method of treating disease that is caused by local congestion. A partial vacuum is created in a cupping jar, usually by means of heat, which is then applied directly onto the skin. The underlying tissue is drawn up into the jar forming an area of blood stasis. This appears to bruise the area, or at least turn it into bright red colour. The amount of dark red or even purple blood drawn to the surface indicates the degree of stagnation. Dark blood is a sign of stagnation. Cupping therapies often follow the point selection pattern that is used for standard acupuncture therapy, with somewhat greater emphasis on the use of back points due to the ease of performing the technique in this area. In particular, most practitioners rely on using back shu points (bladder meridian) and dazhui (GV-14). Cupping has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a powerful and very effective method of fighting diseases and illnesses.
Dietary Therapy
Chinese dietary therapy is a standard modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The idea that food is also medicine is deeply rooted in the Chinese culture. Chinese Medicine has a unique way to assess foods. Unlike the American diet theory, which emphasizes a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats, the Chinese approach to diet is grounded in the five elements and eight guiding principles theory. Foods are seen as having Yin and Yang, Warming and Cooling, Drying and Moistening properties. Certain foods are better for some people than others, depending on their type and condition. For example, a person with a Cold Damp condition should not eat a diet of raw fruits and vegetables (which are Yin), because they would further exaggerate the loss of body heat and fluid secretion.
"As a new year's resolution, I wanted to lose the extra weight that I had gained over the past ten years. I knew that deprivation diets didn't work for me and wanted to try a new approach. I found Dr. Yali Bai’s clinic on the Internet and had my first session with Dr. Bai on December 29th. With acupuncture treatment, herbal tea and her consistently supportive regard for my health, Dr. Bai helped me lose sixty pounds over nine months. More than just a skilled practitioner, Dr. Bai is a warm and caring person who made me look forward to our weekly sessions. I have regained my good health thanks to her care." – John, engineer